My Short Story and so Much More but sometimes a lot happens and this does not get updated.

Well, Wilbur kinda made me smile, sortof!!
Lisa F. Pelo
3717 S. County Rd. 200 E.
Clayton, IN 46118-9676
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Specializing in Glass
Bachelor of Fine Arts, in Creative Writing
cum Laude Graduate, 1988
Golden Key National Honor Society
Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
Sigma Tau Delta National English Honor Society
Frank Baldanza Creative Writing Scholarship recipient
Honor Student Society
European Study Program (Seville, Spain 1986)
Assistant Editor of Prairie Margins (student literary magazine)
Dean’s List (4 years)
Book Scholarship recipient
Distinguished Student Achievement Award
Lordstown High School, Lordstown, Ohio
Graduate 1982
Valedictorian Scholarship Recipient 1982/1983 Academic Year to Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
Artist Profile:
Name: Lisa F. Pelo
Lisa F. Pelo
3717 S. County Rd. 200 E.
Clayton, IN 46118-9676
W/C 317-987-6862Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Business Name- Hot Blown Glass, Ltd
Hot Blown Glass Studio and Gallery
and Mobile Hot Shop for Demonstrations and Hands-On Events
Facebook –Hot Blown Glass, Ltd
Instagram – Hot Blown Glass
Indiana Artisan- 2009-Present (comprehensive program launched in 2008 by the Indiana Office of Tourism Development, Office of Community and Rural Affairs, the Indiana Arts Commission and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture)
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Specializing in Glass
Bachelor of Fine Arts, in Creative Writing
cum Laude Graduate, 1988
Lordstown High School, Lordstown, Ohio
Graduate 1982
Valedictorian Scholarship Recipient 1982/1983 Academic Year to
Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
Current Employment:
1-Glass and Metal Artist
2- Owner/Operator/Instructor-Hot Blown Glass, Ltd (providing classes, private lessons, studio rentals, workshops, tour and group demonstrations, hands-on projects and open studios.
Clayton, Indiana
3-Owner of Hot Blown Glass Mobile Hot Shop. HBG is able to provide glassblowing demonstrations at various off sites venues and events, and additionally, accommodates interactive hands-on glass forming experiences such as paperweights and pumpkin paperweights with the public at these venues.
4-President/CEO of Glass Arts Indiana, Inc.
-a 501 (c) (3) – A non-profit promoting glass artists and their studios in Indiana and promoting and educating the public about glass artists and the value of their fine art skill and craft.
Media: blown and solid sculpture glass, cast glass, slumped and fused glass, metal sculpture, cold forming and fabricating
Birthplace/Hometown: Warren, Ohio/Lordstown, OhioÂ
Living in Indianapolis, IN area – @30+yrs
What is your background/training?
 BFA specializing in Glass from Bowling Green State University-Bowling Green, Ohio.
Indianapolis Art Center/Marilyn K. Glick School of Art, Indianapolis, IN –Former Faculty Instructor -13yrs.
Indianapolis Art Center/ Marilyn K. Glick School of Art, Indianapolis, IN –  Former-Glass Studio Department Head 2005 – 2011 – 6yrs
From where do you draw your creative inspiration?
Glass is its own inspiration. There is no other medium like it. The challenge of controlling it better and making more elaborate and complex forms: this is a lifelong project. Color in glass is fascinating. When the light can come in and out of the form through the color to create its own visual interest regardless of the form, that is a skill that has to be honed and sometimes never understood by other glass workers. What there is about glass-you have to master the medium…glass in motion and be able to tell it what to do. You have to know colors/not just the color wheel but what glass colors are chemically and what they do hot and cold and what colors do to enhance the form and then be able to put them where you want them. Then, make the form, an artistically complete form by knowing those basic rules and then create the final vision. The skill set is always in forward development when creating in glass.
What motivated you to become an artist? The beauty of the simple line of any sculptural form.
How many years have you been an artist? Since age 10/knowingly. Always creating; as a child, taking summer school art classes, art classes all through school and college. I bought different mediums just to try them. Worked at an art supply store to try an even wider assortment of materials especially when first moved to IN and there was no Hot Shop to work in. Was a florist and worked artistically with flowers/colors/compositions. I started at Indianapolis Art Center shortly after their Hot Shop opened. Spent subsequent years acquiring hot shop and cold shop equipment and putting together my home studio.
What famous artist do you most admire? Marcel Duchamp’s work; Multifaceted, like glass. Many depths, like glass. Many views, like glass.
Glass Artist – Michael Glancy
Pursuits outside of art/studio/work – Dog rescue: taking in, fostering/rehabbing dogs in need of a home and addressing domestic animal cruelty and neglect.
‘Doggies Serious Rescue and Sanctuary with Foster Care’
No children-only furry 4- legged ones.
**And some other info from Hendricks County ICON February 4, 2012Â
Lisa Pelo, Hot Blown Glass, Ltd, Clayton, creates blown glass,
slumped and fused glass, cast glass, and metal sculpture.
She earned a BFA-specialty in glass at Bowling Green State
University, Ohio
How/when did you start your art?
Glass-college, as an elective.
But, Art in all forms has always been a part of my life.
I have always been drawn to creating, something.
Is art your primary living?
Yes, in conjunction with running my studio.
Hot Blown Glass Studio and Gallery offering year round glass classes,
lessons, glass workshops, Â studio rental and steel fabricating workshops.Â
What does your art represent to you?
Glass right now is so multifaceted for me.
It is my passion and statement of my creative being,
but it is now my way of life as my business, income and
way of life. There is not a day ‘glass’ isn’t directly influencing my
every step through the day. Make a living; be creative; improve
studio equipment, schedule a class; assist fellow glass artists;
create a better creative environment and work space; teach a
lesson; introduce my passion to the next intrigued viewer, etc.
What inspires you to create?
Forever, the pursuit of Knowledge. Knowing and striving to always move forward and
gain new insight into my artistic mediums and translating that to the viewer.Â
What do you strive to have art appreciators take with them from your artwork?
Have them value the skill it takes to control and form the hot glass into any finished form. The knowledge that was necessary to have to build and install all my own equipment
and operate the hot shop on a daily schedule.
And also to appreciate my artistic influences that I inject into
each piece, using my life experiences and art education as guides
to creating glass, with a voice: speaking to you.
Organizations you are associated with:
Hendricks County Arts Council,
Arts Council of Indianapolis,
Indiana Artisan,
Glass Art Society.