Archives for : Live Posts
Springing into the next Season here
Hot Blown Glass – Spring 2016
Solid-Forming Hands-On Glassmaking Sessions
Mother’s Day Hearts
$30 per person.
One solid -formed up-right heart shaped paperweight.
(if a person wants to make 2 of the same item, it is 50.00 per person)
April 24 -12 PM-2 PM
Mother’s Day Hearts
Two mold-formed heart with an internal heart- solid-formed glass paperweights.
$50 per person -creating 2 heart paperweights per person.
April 2 -3 PM-5 PM
Easter Egg – Paperweights
One solid- formed, Egg-shaped paperweight with colored cane inclusions.
35.00 per person
March 20- 12 PM-2 PM
Flower sessions
Solid formed -pulled flowers
50.00 per person-making 2 flowers each.
If a person wants to make extra after the first 2, it is 10.00 per flower.
April 9 -12 PM-2 PM
April 23 -12 PM-2 PM
May 7 -12 PM-2 PM
May 8 -12PM-2 PM
Indiana State Museum…Invitational Exhibition-I will have glass in this exhibit.
COMING SOON // 200 Years of Indiana Art: A Cultural Legacy opens on March 19!
This exhibit presents original historical and contemporary works of art by those who help shape Indiana’s view of the world, and the world’s view of Indiana. Representing artists from across the state, the exhibition includes paintings, sculpture, textile, glass and mixed media works showcasing the depth, diversity and breadth of artistic talent associated with the Hoosier state. From the early pioneer painters to the contemporary installation artists, this exhibition is a must-see during Indiana’s bicentennial celebration. ‪#‎ISM200‬
More colors coming out of the annealer tomorrow.